The chord of Heart - The Art World of Classical Guitarist Wang Mu-Chun.
Texture of the musical piece was woven by the composer who gathered up the elemental essence spreading all over the world and life. As a performer representing the works on the stage, I stepped into the aesthetic sensitivity in various ways, drawing up with my specific character and expression to convey to audiences eventually. Decoding in different motif, audiences embrace their emotional perception associated from the life experience. The flying upward of art, filled up infinity, from the present to the oncoming future, from suspending to landing. Each scene is a journey. Embedding the commonality and enrichment in any moment we could stand still.
自幼由李振明老師啟蒙,先後師事王鴻興、李文龍老師,並於東海大學隨李振聲教授學習古典吉他,後進入實踐大學音樂系就讀,師事黃修禮教授。2009畢業後至德國科布倫茲吉他學院,師事Hubert Käppel教授,2013取得吉他研習與音樂教育文憑。就學期間曾接受福田進一、佐佐木忠、Denis Azabagić、Aniello Desiderio、Roger Eon等演奏名家指導。為了能更深入學習音樂,攻讀臺灣藝術大學音樂研究所碩士,接受李振聲教授指導,於2020年畢業。曾獲得大台南國際音樂大賽冠軍,以及在許石音樂圖書館、東吳大學、十方音樂、衛武營表演廳劇場舉辦個人獨奏會。曾擔任2013、2015、2016年卡雷巴洛吉他研習營助理。
1. 魯特琴組曲 BWV 998 by J.S. Bach
2. 南方小奏鳴曲 Sonatina Meridional by Manuel Ponce
3. 三首選曲 Three Songs by Agustín Barrios
4. 幻想曲 Fantaisie Op.54 bis by Fernando Sor (吉他二重奏–王牧群與封恩業)
5. 浪漫曲 Romance Op.100 by Francis Kleynjans (吉他二重奏–王牧群與封恩業)
6. 三首選曲 Three Songs by Erik Marchelie (吉他二重奏–王牧群與封恩業)